Top 10 Wildlife Spots

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By JeraldDossantos

The animal kingdom is amazing and mysterious. Different animal species have different spots, strips, colors, and bands. Spots, which are found in many animal species, are one of the most striking features. They have several benefits such as repelling insects, camouflage or optical illusion, and even confusing predators. Spots can also be helpful in reducing body temperatures and even in recognizing one another. Below is a list of animals that have spots on planer Earth.


Cheetah can run at speeds of 80-130 km/h. This is due to its speed and long tail. The fur is yellowish-tan and has solid black spots. This is one of the most stunning animals, with approximately 2,000 to 3000 spots. It camouflages in the wild by hiding behind the foliage. It can be found in Africa and Asia, where it thrives in the dry grasslands of Sub-Saharan Africa. The majority of its population lives in parks or natural reserves. Cheetahs love meat and are carnivores. They mainly eat smaller antelopes such as springbok, steenbok and Thomson’s gazelle.


Leopard is one the most powerful and strongest wild animals. It is also the largest of all big cats. Leopards can climb trees, carry heavy prey, and love to relax on the branches. It can run at 58 km/h, can jump 6m horizontally, and can jump 3m vertically. The leopard is a solitary animal that has large territories. It marks its territory with urine and leaves claw marks on trees. The leopard’s gestation period is characterized by two to three cubs. They are kept hidden for the first eight weeks to protect them against predators. Rosettes are a type of animal with dark spots, which make their fur look like animal patterns. Black leopards have dark fur that is hard to see, which makes them rare.

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Jaguar is the America’s largest wild cat. The coat has spots that provide excellent camouflage. The jungle, scrubland and shoreline forests are where it is most often found. The jaguar and leopard are the only big cats that don’t roar. Very little information is available about the family life of jaguars in the wild. More research needs to be done about natural habitats. The male species lives alone until breeding season, while the female raises her young by herself. They are great swimmers and love to be in water. These species are threatened by loss of habitat and over-hunting.


Giraffes are the largest and tallest mammal on the planet. They have long necks and legs that allow them to reach the top of tall trees, where other animals can’t reach. There are currently four species of giraffes: the Northern, Southern, Masai, Masai, and reticulated. These giraffes are taller than human legs. They have a spotted coat that is unique to each giraffe. The species is about 16-20 ft high and has a long neck that measures approximately 6 feet. This animal is found in the open plains, grasslands and savannas throughout Africa. It enjoys eating the leaves, shoots, fruits, and flowers of tall trees and bushes.

5.Corn Snakes

The red rat snake, also known as corn snakes, is one of many beautiful snakes that are commonly found in the United States. This snake is nonvenomous and can eat a variety preys, which they can overcome with constriction. It is one among the animals or snakes with spots that are part of the genus Elaphe. The Latin word leaps, which means snake, is how it is called. It is nocturnal, and hides in loose tree bark, animal burrows, and old abandoned buildings during the day. Opossums and hawks are the main predators of corn snakes. It is most active between March and November, but it is rarely seen at night when it crosses roads.

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Dalmatians are a breed that has beautiful spots. Dalmatian puppies don’t have spots, and will begin to develop around two to three weeks of age. These unique spots are so different that no two Dalmatian puppies have the exact same pattern or number. They are also very popular for their distinctive piebald pattern. Although most spots can be seen on white, there are some instances when they can be blue, orange, lemon, and brindle. The spots can be found all over the body, including the mouth. There are few names for this dog species, including the Firehouse Dog (English Coach Dog), Spotted Coach Dog (Spotted Coach Dog), and Carriage Dog (Carrier Dog). It is not known where the species originated. Some believe that Dals traveled with Romani people who were historically nomadic.

7.Spotted Hyena

The scientific name for Spotted Hyena Crocuta Crocuta, which is part of the Hyaenidae family, is Crocuta Crocuta. There are currently three Hynes species, the brown, spotted and striped. The spotted hyena, which is the largest, is most often seen in the wild, and it is also the most common. It can be found in sub-Saharan Africa’s savannahs, forests, and woodlands. It can grow to 2m in length with a bushy, 25-30cm-long tail. Females are bigger than males. It has a ginger-coloured, black-marked coat and is therefore listed as an animal with spots in nature. This species hunts in groups and eats wildebeests, antelopes, and young hippos.

8.Chital or Spotted Deer

The most beautiful and common deer species in Indian forests is the Spotted Deer, also known as Chital. The species can live up to 35 inches tall in the wild and weighs around 187 pounds. It has beautiful white spots all over its body and a golden-Rufus color. It can be found in herds of between 10 and 50 individuals, with one or two males and several females. It is a fan of grasses and plants, but it will also ingest the shed antlers for nutrients.

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9.Appaloosa Spotted Horse

Appaloosa, a beautiful spotted horse breed, is American-bred. The Appaloosa has a lovely, colourful spotted pattern all over the body. This is due to many genetic spotting patterns being interwoven. It is a member of the Equidae family and can grow to approximately 1000-1100 pounds. It is a fan of grasses, commercial feeds and hay. It lives for about 30 years. Appaloosas are known for their leopard-complex spotted patterns, which can be able to carry at least one of the dominant leopard complex gene.

10.Holstein Friesian Cow

The Holstein Friesian cow, also known as Holsteins North America and Friesians in the UK, is a Holstein Friesian cow. It is derived from the Dutch provinces Friesland and North Holland, and Schleswig-Holstein Northern Germany. This cow is known for being the most prolific dairy animal in the world, and can be found in over 150 countries. Black and white milk cows are known for their spots. No two cows are exactly alike and research has shown that this is due to recessive genes. The Dutch were the first to develop the breed around 2000 years ago. It’s the two northern provinces North Holland and Friesland, which lie on either side of Friesland.