Ten Biggest Animals in the World

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By JeraldDossantos


There are many animal species around the globe. They come in many sizes, shapes and forms. The world’s largest and most famous animals. While the largest animals are certain to be the most striking, there are many larger animals that live in remote areas of the Earth. These animals are important in ecosystems regardless of their size. Here is the list.

1.Blue Whale- The Largest Animal on Earth

The world’s largest animal, the blue whale (also known as Balaenoptera Musculus), is scientifically called Balaenoptera. Baleen whales (suborder of blue whales) can filter tiny organisms from the sea using their bristly baleen mouthcombs. Blue whales can be seen in every ocean, except the Arctic. Their population is approximately 10,000 to 25,000. It can live for 80 to 90 years. The growth layers of their earplugs can measure the length of their lives. It can grow to 33.3 meters (109 feet) in length, and it can weigh upto 181 tonnes. Its tongue is 2.7 tonnes in weight and can hold upto 90 tonnes of food or water when fully extended. Although they eat krill most of the time, they will also eat small amounts of copepods.

2.Colossal squid – Largest Squid Species

The colossal Squid is the largest species of squid in terms of its mass. The only predator of the colossal Squid are sperm whales. Not much information is available about this mammoth creature. The species can be seen from a depth of up to 1000m, making it very different to see them in their natural environment. Although the exact size of this species is not known, it can grow up to 60ft (18m), or 90ft (27.5m) in length. The longest documented colossal Squid is 45ft (11.4m). The species’ appearance is quite striking with a large eye measuring 10 inches (25 cm) in diameter. It is a member of the Cranchiidae family and is also known as the Antarctic or giant cranch snail squid.

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3.African Elephant-Largest Living Land animal

The genus African elephant is made up of two species of elephant, the African bush elephant and African tree elephant. Elephants are social, strong, and social creatures. African elephants have large ears and unisex trunks. Asian ones, however, have smaller ears. The elephant can reach a maximum weight of 6000 kg (6.6 tonnes) and its height is 3.3m (10 ft.) at its shoulder. Both male and female African species have tusks. They are present at birth and will eventually fall out. Permanent ones will replace them after one year. Elephant species’ large ears help to radiate heat from the African sun. Two elephants can hear each other at 4km distance. The elephant is one the most useful animals on the planet.

4. Giraffe is the tallest living animal

The giraffe is the world’s tallest mammal, and its babies are larger than us. It is currently divided into nine subspecies based on the colour of their bodies. It thrives in open woodlands, Sahel, and savannas. Its long neck and legs allow it to eat the leaves of trees. Their long tongues and top jaws help them rip the leaves off the branches. Spotted animals love acacia leaves and mimosa leaves. The species can run up to 35 miles an hour over a short distance. Its lifespan is approximately 10-15 years in nature and 25 years in captivity. This animal species is known for having one of the most beautiful animal patterns in the world.

5.Kodiak Brown Bear

Kodiak Brown Bear, which can weigh up to 1400 pounds, is the largest land carnivore alive. Kodiak bear is another name for this Alaskan brown bear, which is native to Southwest Alaska. All brown bears can be called grizzlies. This term is used to refer to Alaska, where grizzly bears include all bears found in interior North America. There are currently 32,000 brown bears in Alaska. They used to be lonely and would only search for a mate for a short time. They are able to sense food and predators far away and have great senses of smell, hearing, and sight.

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6.Whale Shark – Largest Living Fish

The Rhincodon Typus, a whale shark scientifically called Rhincodon typus, is the largest living creature in the world. It can reach a length of 126.5 meters and a weight of around 21.5 tonnes. It is most commonly seen in tropical oceans. They prefer +-30 degrees of latitude. The species lives between 70 and 100 years. The species is the largest non-cetacean animal and has a flat head with small eyes. The longest sharks have been confirmed to be approximately 12.65 metres in length and weigh 21.5 tonnes.

7.Saltwater Crocodile – Largest Crocodile Species

The saltwater crocodile, scientifically called Crocodylus porosus and measuring up to 7.0 meters in height, is the largest species of crocodile in the world. It can also grow upto 1,200 kilograms in weight. It is the largest living reptile and can be found in rivers or coastal waters, where it can swim between freshwater & brackish water. It has a life expectancy of more than 70 years. They used to prey upon fish, turtles and pigs as well as humans. They communicated with one another using chirps, barking, hissing and growling sounds.

8.Ostrich-Largest Living Bird

Ostrich can reach heights of 9 feet and weigh 344 pounds. It is the largest of all the living birds in the world. Ostriches are non-flying birds and are indigenous to Africa. They can live without water for longer periods of time due to the fact that they absorb water from the food that they eat. If we talk about their appearance, males are easily identified by their black and white colours, while females can be identified using greyish, brownish, and white colours. It was a predator of locusts, small animals and lizards. It has strong legs and can kill a lion. They live between 30 and 70 years in captivity. It is also known as one of the most beautiful desert birds in the planet.

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9.Chinese Salamander – Largest Living Amphibian

The Chinese Salamander is one of the largest amphibians on the planet. It can grow to a length of 3.7 feet and can reach heights of up to 6 feet. It is also capable of weighing approximately 110 pounds. This species is only found in China. All three species of giant salamanders produce sticky, white skin that repels predators. Although it has poor vision, it can sense predators by vibrating in the water. Because they absorb oxygen through their skin, they used to live underwater for their entire lives. Habitat loss and excessive hunting for meat are two major reasons why the species is in grave danger.

10.Goliath Beetle- Largest Insects

Goliath Beetle, the largest insect in the world, is named after the biblical giant Goliath. It can reach a length of approximately 4.5 inches, and weighs in at 3.5 ounces. This makes it the largest insect in the world. Males can be distinguished by their dark brown to silky-white colour, while males are usually brown or white, black or both. They are found in tropical forests of Africa, where they feed on fruit and tree sap. Five species of Goliath beetles exist, namely Goliathus goliaths, which Linnaeus identified in 1771. Goliathus albosignatus Bohemian is the second, followed by Goliathus regius Klug and Goliathus Cacicus.